Recently Marvel Studios has released a popular TV show named “Loki” created by Michael Waldron for the streaming service Disney+, based on Marvel Comics, making a massive buzz after release. The Tv show was released on June 9, 2021. Its next season may come next year.
Today we will talk about the fonts used in the Loki TV series logo. The logo was created with some combined fonts. Let’s check out which font comes from which font:
L = Terminator Real NFI by Norfok Incredible Font Design
O = Cloister Black by Dieter Steffmann or Old English™ by ITC
K = ARB 85 Poster Script JAN-39 by Fontry
I = Cloister Black by Dieter Steffmann or Old English™ by ITC
After proper research, we found that the above fonts are used to develop the Loki logo font with some customization from the designer.
You can design many things with these combined fonts. Like:
You can check out the Logo here.
You can download some of these fonts from our website for free in zip format.
Terminator Real NFI by Norfok Incredible Font Design – Download
Cloister Black by Dieter Steffmann – Download
Old English™ by ITC – Download
ARB 85 Poster Script JAN-39 by Fontry – Download
A: Before the lovely effects were added, that “O” started out as Cloister Black. This typeface was originally designed by Morris Fuller Benton (caps) and Joseph W. Phinney (lowercase) and issued in 1904 by American Type Founders.
A: Yes, some fonts are free but for commercial use please buy a license.
While discussing the font, it’s interesting to explore how other movie fonts like Notting Hill, Pretty Woman, Pulp Fiction, Loki, and Kiss Me Quick have their unique charm and contribute to the films’ identity.
I am part of the Free Fonts Vault team, dedicated to providing you with the best experience in finding free fonts for your needs. Our team works together to ensure that we offer well-researched information on free fonts or similar alternatives. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us through our Contact page. Note: We called ourselves “The A team”.
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